About Fred Fucci

About Fred Fucci

Fred has been a practicing lawyer for over 30 years.  His basic training as a lawyer was in M&A and joint ventures, with an emphasis on cross-border transactions.  From the earliest stages of his career, however, he was involved in commercial arbitration due to his language proficiency and was part of Reid & Priest's arbitration group bringing cases under ICC and other rules.  After a sabbatical in Germany where he worked for the German government agency privatizing companies in East Germany (the Treuhandanstalt), he returned to practice law in New York and became involved in the mid-90's in the development and financing of power projects, both internationally and domestically.  He also continued his M&A representations, combining project finance and M&A in energy and other industries (building materials, automotive, consumer goods etc.) for some years.  In 2004 he received his first appointment as an arbitrator and has since then acted as a neutral arbitrator in a number of cases under AAA, ICDR, ICC, LCIA, CAM (Milan Arbitral Chamber) rules and in ad hoc proceedings, while maintaining his transactional practice.  Since 2010, he has been heavily involved in renewable energy projects, in particular solar and wind.   In 2017, he established his own practice as an independent arbitrator and continues to offer advice on energy and corporate transactions.

Fred has a unique comparative law perspective in that he is a member of the New York bar but is also qualified in England as a solicitor and is a member of the Paris bar (avocat au barreau de Paris), meaning that he understands both the common law approach and civil law based legal systems.


Professional Activities

  • Fred is an active member of several bar associations, including the International Bar Association and the New York City Bar Association.  
  • He is a frequent participant on panels and regularly makes presentations to professional associations.  He also is an occasional guest lecturer in the International Business Transactions course at Fordham Law School
  • Member of USCIB Committee on Arbitration, Chair of the Transactional Lawyers Subcommittee
  • Chair, Energy Committee, New York City Bar Association (2009-2012)

Legal Experience

  • Partner, Troutman Sanders LLP, New York – September 2013 – April 2017
  • Partner, Dickstein Shapiro LLP, New York: November 2011 – September 2013
  • Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP, New York: October 2007 – October 2011
  • Partner, Reid & Priest LLP, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP and Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner, New York, February 1997-October 2007, Member of  Business Practice Group; Associate Attorney, Reid & Priest: January 1988 to February 1997
  • Treuhandanstalt, Berlin, Germany (Germany privatization agency) - Adviser (Investor Services Directorate):  January to June 1993


  • Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.,Juris Doctor, May 1987; Law Review: The Tax Lawyer, Lead Articles Editor
  • Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. and Bologna, Italy - M.A. in International Relations, May 1987, with distinction
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France - 1981-1982 - Pensionnaire étranger (Resident Foreign Fellow)
  • Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts - B.A. in European Studies, cum laude - May 1981  - Foreign Study at the Université de Paris IV/Sorbonne (Paris, France) and the Università di Firenze per Stranieri (Florence, Italy); Awards:  Forris Jewett Moore Fellowship in History; John Woodruff Simpson Fellowship for Legal Studies

Pro Bono

Fred incorporated and advised for some years on a pro bono basis the Emergency Shelter Network of Faith-Based and Community Organizations, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing resources to religious and community sites that shelter homeless persons in New York City.  He regularly acts as a volunteer in one of the member shelter sites.

Fred had previously advised an interfaith group in the Washington, DC metropolitan area on how to structure investments in solar systems for places of worship where members of the congregation are the investors.

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